
Applicant Tracking System

State of the art Applicant Tracking System for modern businesses.


Why Fastrecruita

Easy to use platform with the best tools to improve recruitment processes and boost productivity. Improves Candidates experience and employer brand.

Smart companies trust Fastrecruita

Fastrecruita is equipped with the best Applicant Tracking system to simplify your hiring process and increase candidate’s experience. Create email templates and assign them to each of the pipelines. Simplify your hiring process by creating steps for each of the pipeline stages.

Talent Sourcing

Take control of all hiring activities right on the Applicant Tracking System page. Email, SMS, Shortlist, Create and send interviews, Make offers, Take hiring decisions, Review candidates, create notes and make other hiring decisions.

Take other actions right from the ATS page. Reject a candidate and you may wish to delay the rejection to a defined date. Move candidates faster to the next pipeline, view recommended candidates for your job.



Assign assessment by selecting from the assessment vendor right on the ATS page. select the assessment types from skills test, boundground checks and reference checks.