
CV Database Search

Search, Contact and Hire qualified candidates

Have access to a large database of qualified passive job candidates in seconds

Smart companies trust Fastrecruita

Millions of talents to search from

Fastrecruita database is enriched with millions of rich jobseekers. The Fastrecruita AI makes it easy for employers to search passive candidates from the huge database of candidates.


Powerful Search Criteria and Keywords

The Fastrecuita CV Search is equipped with several filters to streamline your search. Search by keywords and different filtering criteria

You can search by Job titles, Skills, qualification, location and many more and the AI will look into the database and search for matching candidates that fits your requirement.

All matched candidates will be displayed showing their names, contact, work history and many more depending on individual candidates and the data in their resume.

Save for later, Download or Invite

Searched CVs can be saved and organized in a powerful CV Folder for future reference or download.
